Thursday, June 14, 2007

Who is Michael Savage?

So who is Michael Savage. I went to his website and the question was there. It also had HIS answer, but it did not say WHO he is. I notice this a lot about a certain type of person. They make up a new name to hide their true identity. Savage is NOT his real name I know for a fact, but, what is his real name?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Cancel the Hunting Trip Let's book a Cruise!

Ok I've decided to cancel my buffalo hunt in Wyoming with Dick and even though me and everybody in the world knows Dick is not to be trusted with a gun, the stupid media thinks we need another week of this drivel. ENOUGH ALREADY!!

In the mean time we now have MUSLIMS coming to town to run our biggest ports. No mention of this. If you devoted Democrats hate this administration here is your AMMO!! This is what to use, I mean talk about STUPID. Now it should be clear to ALL Americans of all persuasions we have been BUSHWHACKED again.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Vikings or whipped mutts?

The Norsemen were a great people. They took risks, they were warriors, they were real MEN!! The descendents of these MEN of the sea are totally emasculated, weak kneed, feminine caricatures of their ancestors. I guess they are good for nothing but to ask the question "What's in your Wallet?". Wake up!!! Arouse yourselves. you are in a war whether you like it or not. Either stand up or be squashed,because squashed you will be if you persist in your wimpy sorry supine state.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Stinking Professional Politicians

It's the Democrats that are the problem! It's the Republicans that are the problem! Oh wake up you mouth breathers! Can't you see how you're being played? Can't you see how you have been given only a choice between TweedleDumb and TweedleDumber? Since when have we had a choice? Every candidate is totally owned, bought and paid for. No matter who you vote for the government wins. Professional politicians are what is going wrong here, especially in the Senate. These jerks are selling us down the river. For example, I'm a Utah resident, and the goofball Orrin Hatch has the citizens of this state paying for tuition to the states colleges and University for ILLEGAL ALIENS. Yet the mouthbreathers in this state think this guy is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The stupid bald headed guy Bennett votes to ratify NAFTA AND GATT and he has not even read it. Miffed that a reporter wrote that he had not read the agreement he was chapped and then when he was challenged as to whether or not in fact he had read it finally quipped. " Well no, but I resent the fact that he assumed I had not read it". The inmates are in charge of the asylum!!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Shame on you Media Play

Boy am I mad. Yes, in fact mad as hell. Here's the deal. I go to Media Play and purchase some music with my credit card. The checkout girl makes me an offer for some free stuff like a gift certificate for $10 bucks and a whole array of neat stuff. Free TRIAL magazine subscription etc. I pretty well got everything as spelled out except I get a credit card bill last night and had two unauthorized charges for 2 lousy magazines I never bought. Upon calling the card company it was pointed out the Media Play has this gig where you sign up for a FREE TRIAL but then in the small print they then hit you with charges for a full year subscription after you have all but forgotten you ever joined the REPLAY CLUB. The more things change the more they stay the same. Just yesterday I watched a replay of Leave It To Beaver. Remember the one where the Beav joins a record club? Hey Dad They're doing it to me again!!!

Well in the old days these low life bottom feeder companys could just skrew you till you were blue and you just had to take it. I told these guys I was going to blog this, so here it is.

The Replay Club is slimy and you will be slimed. The MediaPlay customer service team sent me back a warm letter telling me that everything is strictly legal and warning me that if I publish any part of their reply there would be legal repurcussions. So I will refrain. However I certainly am free to let everybody know the gist of the message. It is this.

You are a little rube, and we have everything in writing, so piss off.

Yeah I'm a little pissed off. So I hope this bunch of slime feel the buzz. Watch your back in this store!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

First Lady?

Laura Bush has been a shining example of what a First Lady should be. Up until very recently she was. Shame on you Laura. The jokes at the dinner were lude,crude, and simply in poor taste. The jokes were not funny, and should never have left the lips of any Lady. It was gutter humour and low. Sorry but until you redeem yourself I have to say you are currently the First Shrew.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Anybody Ever Think of This?

Health care seems to be always coming up in the news, and conversations. The guvment otta doo sumpin! Well here is Baseys solution. It is a simple supply demand problem. The supply is short, the demand is high. I believe the AMA (doctor union) is controling the supply. There are plenty of smart people who have been rejected not from lack of qualification, but because they were not connected. They could not get into the exclusive club. We need to open more medical schools!!! By increasing the supply of Medical Doctors the price will stabilize and if we open enough of these schools we will have these people making house calls!!

There, howzatt for a simple solution?